This is one of Indonesia's natural beauty charm charming. You will be presented with extraordinary natural charm and uniqueness of traditional sulfur miners. Arena the volcanic crater filled with water, forming Ijen crater lake is very beautiful and amazing. In the morning, when the sun hides behind the mountains but you can still enjoy the beauty unattainable by a sense of peace. Kawah Ijen is located on top of Mount Ijen is a series of volcanoes in East Java such as Bromo, Semeru and Merapi. Mount Ijen is in the Kawah Ijen Travel and Tourism Park Reserve Ijen Sleek precisely in Banyuwangi district and sub district Klobang Bondowoso.

Kawah Ijen crater is one of the most acid in the world. The degree of acidity of this crater has a very high acidity level that is close to zero so that it can dissolve human body even clothes quickly. In addition, the temperature of the crater reached 200 degrees Celsius adds amazed this enormous crater. Ijen Crater which has blue and golden green when exposed to sunlight.

Kawah Ijen form tosca green lake at an altitude of 2368 meters above sea level. Caldera crater walls as high as 300-500m, the extent of about 5466 acres. Uniquely situated in the center of the crater is the largest caldera on the island of Java. Size caldera about 20 km. Size of the crater itself is around 960 meters x 600 meters. The crater is located at depths greater than 300 meters below the caldera wall. The water was pretty calm crater and bluish green.

The view was so amazing in the morning. The water volume of the crater about 200 million cubic meters to 200 degrees Celsius heat radiating golden green sheen when the sun hit from behind Mount Merapi, twin sister of Mount Ijen. This is the view of the lovely double. Kawah Ijen sulfur mining is also the largest in East Java are still using the traditional way.

In the southeastern lake there solfatara field which is the crater lake wall and in the western part of the crater contained Dam which is upstream of the Kali Banyupait. Field solfatara Mount Kawah Ijen volcanic gas releases ever with a high concentration of sulfur gases and odors that sometimes sting. What is interesting is the sulfur miners used without the mask down to the bottom of the crater. A superb view as they perform their daily work challenging death to make ends meet.


wishful say you been to East Java if it is not to set foot on this beautiful volcano. Mount Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is unique with sea sand area of 5250 hectares at an altitude of 2392 m above sea level. You can ride and climb Mount Bromo through the steps and see the sun rise. Look at how the captivating charm of the sun at sunrise and sunset would be a deep personal experience when you see it in person.

Mount Bromo is derived from the word Brahma (one of the Hindu Gods). Bromo is a volcano is still active and well known as a tourist icon in East Java. The mountain is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia but has spectacular scenery and dramatic. Exceptional beauty makes tourists who visit will be amazed.

Bromo MountFrom the summit of Mount Penanjakan at 2770 m altitude, tourists from around the world come to see the sunrise of Mount Bromo. The scenery is amazing and you will hear only the sound of camera shots that capture the moment when travelers can not be obtained elsewhere. At sunrise very unusual where you'll see the foreground of Mount Semeru that emit smoke in the distance and the sun shone brightly up into the sky

Enjoy the vast expanse of sea sand, watching the towering majesty of Mount Semeru reaching for the sky, and look beautiful sun went out of the dusk or otherwise enjoying the twilight of the ridge Bromo is Takan unforgettable experience when visited Bromo.

Mount Bromo Tengger tribe inhabited by people who believe that Mount Bromo is a place where a prince to sacrifice life for his family. People here do Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo festival once a year with the dedication of vegetables, chicken, and the money thrown into the crater of the volcano to sacrifice to the gods. 


Borobudur Temple Compounds

 This famous Buddhist temple, dating from the 8th and 9th centuries, is located in central Java. It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,500 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. The monument was restored with UNESCO's help in the 1970s.

  Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis
The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty. The monument is located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, at the centre of the island of Java, Indonesia.
The main temple is a stupa built in three tiers around a hill which was a natural centre: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, a monumental stupa. The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs, covering a total surface area of 2,520 m2. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.
The vertical division of Borobudur Temple into base, body, and superstructure perfectly accords with the conception of the Universe in Buddhist cosmology. It is believed that the universe is divided into three superimposing spheres, kamadhatu, rupadhatu, and arupadhatu, representing respectively the sphere of desires where we are bound to our desires, the sphere of forms where we abandon our desires but are still bound to name and form, and the sphere of formlessness where there is no longer either name or form. At Borobudur Temple, the kamadhatu is represented by the base, therupadhatu by the five square terraces, and the arupadhatu by the three circular platforms as well as the big stupa. The whole structure shows a unique blending of the very central ideas of ancestor worship, related to the idea of a terraced mountain, combined with the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana.
The Temple should also be seen as an outstanding dynastic monument of the Syailendra Dynasty that ruled Java for around five centuries until the 10th century.
The Borobudur Temple Compounds consists of three monuments: namely the Borobudur Temple and  two smaller temples situatued to the east on a straight axis to Borobudur. The two temples are Mendut Temple, whose depiction of Buddha is represented by a formidable monolith accompanied by two Bodhisattvas, and Pawon Temple, a smaller temple whose inner space does not reveal which deity might have been the object of worship. Those three monuments represent phases in the attainment of Nirvana.
The temple was used as a Buddhist temple from its construction until sometime between the 10th and 15th centuries when it was abandoned. Since its re-discovery in the 19th century and restoration in the 20th century, it has been brought back into a Buddhist archaeological site.

Criterion (i): Borobudur Temple Compounds with its stepped, unroofed pyramid consisting of ten superimposing terraces, crowned by a large bell-shaped dome is a harmonious marriage of stupas, temple and mountain that is a masterpiece of Buddhist architecture and monumental arts.

Criterion (ii): Borobudur Temple Compounds is an outstanding example of Indonesia’s art and architecture from between the early 8th and late 9th centuries that exerted considerable influence on an architectural revival between the mid-13th and early 16th centuries.

Criterion (vi): Laid out in the form of a lotus, the sacred flower of Buddha, Borobudur Temple Compounds is an exceptional reflection of a blending of the very central idea of indigenous ancestor worship and the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana. The ten mounting terraces of the entire structure correspond to the successive stages that the Bodhisattva has to achieve before attaining to Buddhahood.

The boundaries contain the three temples that include the imaginary axis between them. Although the visual links are no longer open, the dynamic function between the three monuments, Borobudur Temple, Mendut Temple, and Pawon Temple is maintained.
The main threat to the ensemble is from development that could compromise the extraordinary relationship between the main monument and its wider setting and could also affect the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. The approach to the property has to a degree already been compromised by weak developmental regulations.
Tourism also exerts considerable pressure on the property and its hinterland.
There is a growing rate of deterioration of the building stone, the cause of which needs further research. There is also a small degree of damage caused by unsupervised visitors.
The eruption of Mount Merapi is also considered as one of the potential threats because of its deposit acidic ash as happened in 2010.

The original materials were used to reconstruct the temple in two phases in the 20th century: after the turn of the century and more recently (1973-1983). Mostly original materials were used with some additions to consolidate the monument and ensure proper drainage which has not had any significant adverse impact on the value of the property. Though the present state of Borobudur Temple is the result of restorations, it retained more than enough original material when re-discovered to make a reconstruction possible.
Nowadays the property could be used as a Buddhist pilgrimage site. Its overall atmosphere is, however, to a certain degree compromised by the lack of control of commercial activities and the pressure resulting from the lack of an adequate tourism management strategy.

Protection and management requirements
The protection of the property is performed under Indonesian Law No. 11/2010 concerning Cultural Heritage and its surrounding cultural landscape. It is executed under a National Strategic Area and the Spatial Management Plan by the Ministry of Public Works in accordance with the Law concerning Spatial Management No. 26/2007 and Governmental Regulation No. 26/2008 concerning National Spatial Planning and will be enforced further by another presidential regulation regarding the Management for the Borobudur National Strategic Area that is still being drafted by the Ministry of Public Works.
The legal and institutional framework for the effective management of the property is regulated by a Presidential Decree Number 1 Year 1992. The established zones within the World Heritage property are respectively under the responsibility of the Borobudur Heritage Conservation Office under Ministry of Education and Culture, of state-owned institute PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur under the Ministry of Enterprises, and of the local governments (Magelang Regency and Central Java Province). A study on the integrated management of Borobudur Temple Compounds has been conducted, including attention for the ecosystem, social and cultural aspects, ecotourism, public and private partnership and organisational feasibility study. This study is the basis of the still to be developed visitor management approach.
In order to ensure consistency between the 1992 Presidential Decree and the 1972 JICA Master Plan zone-system indicated in the World Heritage nomination dossier and to strengthen the regulations regarding development, a New Presidential Regulation is still being formulated by a Coordinating Board (14 Ministries and local authorities as well as representatives of local communities) and by formalizing the role of the proposed Management Board into the wider zones. In addition, the protection of the property has been ensured by the regular financial contribution by the national budget.
Monitoring programs has been effectively executed to monitor the growing rate of deterioration of building stone and also damage by unsupervised visitors. A research is being conducted to determine the long- term impact of deposit acidic ash of eruption of Mount Merapi to set further protection and conservation management of the property. Furthermore, a risk preparedness plan will be formulated in 2012.
The Borobudur Heritage Conservation Office has conducted community development programs targeting especially at the youth to raise their awareness. In improving and empowering local community as specialist guide for Borobudur Temple Compounds, several training programs have been conducted. The community development related to economical sector (small enterprises that produce traditional handicrafts, culinaries, etc) have already being conducted by the municipalities of Magelang Regency and Central Java Province.
Long Description
Borobudur is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. Founded by a king of the Saliendra dynasty, it was built to honour the glory of both the Buddha and its founder, a true king Bodhisattva. The name Borobudur is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words vihara Buddha uhr, meaning the Buddhist monastery on the hill. Borobudur temple is located in Muntilan, Magelang, and is about 42 km from Yogyakarta city.
This colossal temple was built between AD 750 and 842: 300 years before Cambodia's Angkor Wat, 400 years before work had begun on the great European cathedrals. Little is known about its early history except that a huge army of workers worked in the tropical heat to shift and carve the 60,000 m3 of stone. At the beginning of the 11th century AD, because of the political situation in Central Java, divine monuments in that area, including the Borobudur Temple became completely neglected and given over to decay. The Sanctuary was exposed to volcanic eruption and other ravages of nature. The temple was not rediscovered until the 19th century. A first restoration campaign, supervised by Theodor van Erp, was undertaken shortly after the turn of the century. A second one was led more recently (1973-82).
A harmonious marriage of stupas, temple-mountain and the ritual diagram, this temple complex was built on several levels around a hill which forms a natural centre. The first level above the base comprises five square terraces, graduated in size and forming the base of a pyramid. Above this level are three concentric circular platforms crowned by the main stupa. Stairways provide access to this monumental stupa. The base and the balustrades enclosing the square terraces are decorated in reliefs sculpted in the stone. They illustrate the different phases of the soul's progression towards redemption and episodes from the life of Buddha. The circular terraces are decorated with no fewer than 72 openwork stupas each containing a statue of Buddha.
Stylistically the art of Borobudur is a tributary of Indian influences (Gupta and post-Gupta styles). The walls of Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs, extending over a total length of 6 km. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit, each scene an individual masterpiece. The narratives reliefs on the main walls read from the right to left, those on the balustrade from left to right. This was done for the purpose of the Pradaksina, the ritual circumambulation which the pilgrims make moving on the clockwise and keeping the sanctuary to the right.
The Karmawibangga reliefs on the hidden foot are devoted to the law of karma. The Lalitavistara series do not provide a complete biography of the Buddha, from the Hushita heaven and end his sermon in the Deer Park near the Benares. Jataka are stories about the Buddha before he was born as Prince Sidharta. Awadana are similar to Jataka, but the main figure is not the Boddhisatva, and the saintly deeds are attributed to other legendary persons.
The stories are compiled in the Dvijavadana (Glorious Heavenly Acts) and the Awadana Sataka(Hundred Awadanas). The first twenty panels in the lower series of the first gallery depict, the Sudhanakumaravadana. The series of reliefs covering the wall of the second gallery is devoted to Sudhana's tireless wanderings in search of the Highest Perfect Wisdom. The story is continued on the wall and balustrade of the third and fourth galleries. Its depiction in most of the 460 panels is based on the holy Nahayana text Gandavyuha, the concluding scenes being derived from another text, theBadracari.


Prambanan Temple Compounds


Built in the 10th century, this is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia. Rising above the centre of the last of these concentric squares are three temples decorated with reliefs illustrating the epic of the Ramayana, dedicated to the three great Hindu divinities (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and three temples dedicated to the animals who serve them.

Brief synthesis
Prambanan Temple Compounds consist of Prambanan Temple (also called Loro Jonggrang), Sewu Temple, Bubrah Temple and Lumbung Temple. Prambanan Temple itself is a complex consisting of 240 temples. All the mentioned temples form the Prambanan Archaeological Park and were built during the heyday of Sailendra’s powerful dynasty in Java in the 8th century AD. These compounds are located on the border between the two provinces of Yogyakarta and Central Java on Java Island.
While Loro Jonggrang, dating from the 9th century, is a brilliant example of Hindu religious bas-reliefs, Sewu, with its four pairs of Dwarapala giant statues, is Indonesia’s largest Buddhist complex including the temples of Lumbung, Bubrah and Asu (Gana temple). The Hindu temples are decorated with reliefs illustrating the Indonesian version of the Ramayana epic which are masterpieces of stone carvings. These are surrounded by hundreds of shrines that have been arranged in three parts showing high levels of stone building technology and architecture from the 8th century AD in Java. With over 500 temples, Prambanan Temple Compounds represents not only an architectural and cultural treasure, but also a standing proof of past religious peaceful cohabitation.

Criterion (i): Prambanan Temple Compounds presents the grandiose culture of Siva art as a masterpiece of the classical period in Indonesia, and the region.

Criterion (iv): The property is an outstanding religious complex, characteristic of Siva expression of the 10th century.

Prambanan Temple Compounds comprises of two groups of buildings which includes Loro Jonggrang, Sewu complexes, Lumbung, Bubrah and Asu (Gana). The 508 stone temples of various shapes and sizes are either in a complete and preserved condition or have been retained as ruins. This site includes all elements necessary to express its exceptional significance and is well maintained. There are no threats of development or neglect; however the area is prone to natural threats such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Prambanan Temple Compounds contains the original structures that were built in the 9th century AD. The temples collapsed due to earthquake, volcanic eruption and a shift of political power in the early 11th century, and they were rediscovered in the 17th century. These compounds have never been displaced or changed. Restoration works have been conducted since 1918, both in original traditional method of interlocking stone and modern methods using concrete to strengthen the temple structure. Even though extensive restoration works have been done in the past and as recently as after the 2006 earthquake, great care has been taken to retain the authenticity of the structures.

Protection and management requirements
The property has been designated as a National Cultural Property in 1998 and the national law issued in 2010 also supports the protection and conservation of the property. Management of Prambanan Temple Compounds is accommodated in the Presidential Decree of 1992 that established the 77 ha that encompasses the property under central government ownership. This area is divided into two zones. The management of Zone 1 or the area within the boundary is conducted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism under two different regional offices, namely the Archaeological Preservation Office of Yogyakarta and Central Java. The Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko Tourism Park Ltd. are responsible for Zone 2 which comprises the buffer zone. In order to implement standard operations for the safeguarding of the property, the government has established a regulation concerning national vital object area. All regulations have been well enforced and implemented.
In order to improve the management of the property, government issued the law in 2007 and government regulation of 2008 concerning national spatial planning which means that spatial planning in World Cultural Heritage area will be prioritized. Prambanan site has been established as one of the strategic national area which consists of Prambanan temple Compounds and others related temple remains. To ensure the long term safeguarding of the property, an integrated management and regulation that support preservation is needed.
The Action Plan of 2007 has been implemented with the involvement of the local community around the property. The welfare of the local community around the property that was affected by the earthquake of 27 May 2006, is now improving with the recovery of the usual economic activity and especially in the creative industry sector. The Siva temple has not been rehabilitated but research activities or technical studies of the Siva temple have been carried out in 2010 and 2011. The results have been discussed at national and international level with the conclusion that it is still necessary to study and research to determine the method of handling Siva Temple, including monitoring through seismograph study and crack meter periodically.
Long Description
Prambanan, named after the village, is the biggest temple complex in Java. It is actually a huge Hindu temple complex about 15 km north-east of Yogyakarta. Dedicated to the three great Hindu divinities, this temple with its decorated reliefs is an outstanding example of Siva art in Indonesia and the region.
It was built in the 9th century and designed as three concentric squares. In all there are 224 temples in the entire complex. The inner square contains 16 temples, the most significant being the 47 m high central Siva temple flanked to the north by the Brahma temple and to the south by the Vishnu temple. These three ancient masterpieces of Hindu architecture are locally referred to as the Prambanan Temple or Lorojonggrang Temple (Slender Maiden); the compound was deserted soon after it was completed, possibly owing to the eruption of nearby Mount Merapi.
A square platform is divided into concentric courts by square-plane walls. In the middle of the last enceinte stand the temples dedicated to the three great Hindu gods and three small temples dedicated to their animal vehicles (Bull for Siva, Eagle for Brahma and Swan for Vishnu). Other minor temples were located at the entrance gates or outside the central enceinte (four ensembles).
The Siva temple had four statues: located in the centre chamber is the Siva statue; in the north chamber stands the Dewi Durga Mahisasuramardhini statue; in the west chamber stands the Ganesya statue; and the south chamber contains the statue of Agastya. Inside the Brahma temple there is Brahma statue, and in the Vishnu temple there is the Vishnu statue. In the Vishnu temple is carved the story of Kresnayana, while the Brahma temple houses the continuous story of the Ramayana. The temples of Siva, Vishnu and Brahma are decorated with reliefs illustrating the Ramayana period (history of the Hindu hero Rama, written around 300).
The neighbouring Buddhist ensemble at Sewu comprises a central temple surrounded by a multitude of minor temples. Surprisingly, it shares many design attributes with the Hindu Loro Joggrang Temple, perhaps indicating the degree to which such temples also reflect state policies and control. Three other temples in ruins set between Sewu and Loro Joggrang complete the ensemble around Prambanan: Lumbuna, Burah and Asu.


Jalan Malioboro (EnglishMalioboro Street) is a major shopping street in YogyakartaIndonesia; the name is also used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. It lies north-south axis in the line between Yogyakarta Kraton and Mount Merapi. This is in itself is significant to many of the local population, the north south orientation between the palace and the volcano being of importance.
The street is the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district surrounded with many hotels,restaurants, and shops nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air street side restaurants, calledlesehan, operate along the street. This is the street of the artists. Street musicians, painters, and other artists exhibit their creations on this road. Less obvious to the tourist, but more for the local population, side streets, lanes and structures that lead on to Malioboro are as important as the street itself.


Jalan Malioboro (ca.1900-40)
Jalan Malioboro at night
The street was for many years two-way, but by the 1980s had become one way only, from the railway line (where it starts) to the south - to Beringharjo markets, where it ends. The largest, oldest Dutch era hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located on the street's northern end, on the eastern side adjacent to the railway line. It has the former Dutch era Prime Minister's complex, the kepatihan, on the eastern side.
For many years in the 1980s and later, a cigarette advertisement was placed on the first building south of the railway line - or effectively the last building on Malioboro, which advertised Marlborocigarettes, no doubt appealing to locals and foreigners who would see a pun with name of the street with a foreign product being advertised.
It does not reach the walls or grounds of the Yogyakarta palace, as Malioboro ceases in name adjacent to the very large market Beringharjo (on the eastern side as well). From this point the street changes name to Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ahmad Yani Street) and has the former Governors residence on the western side, and the old Dutch Fort Vredeburg on the eastern side.


Parangtritis is a popular tourist beach and village area on the southern coast of Java in the Bantul Regency within the province of the Yogyakarta Special Region. There is a good road to the area which is about 30 km south of the city of Yogyakarta, located just on the border between Bantul andGunung Kidul regencies.
Quite large crowds of mainly local tourists visit Parangtritis over weekends and at holidays. Larger tourist buses as well as various types of cheaper minibuses ply the route to the beach from Yogyakarta. There are local tourist facilities at Parangtritis including parking arrangements, modest hotels which provide visitors with places to change and shower, and small restaurants. Often small ponies or horse-drawn carts can be hired for rides along the beach. Tourists also visit some of the various caves and springs in the cliffs and hills near Parangtritis, such as the Gua Tapan cave and the Beji spring, which are quite close to the beach,[1]
Parangtritis is sometimes said to be a place to meet the legendary Nyai Loro Kidul (also known asRatu Kidul) or 'Queen of the South'.[2] Local folklore warns visitors not to wear green clothes or theRatu Kidul is likely to try to entice the wearer into the ocean to drown. The beach is not really a good swimming beach. Drownings are unfortunately not uncommon at Parangtritis,[3] partly because many Indonesians have never had the opportunity to learn to swim and partly because channels, strong rips and sizable waves often occur off the beach.

PANTAI PULAU MERAH ( Red Beach Island )

Red Island is a beach and attractions in the District PesanggaranBanyuwangiThis beach is knownas a small green hill red earthy located near the shorelineThis hill can be visited by foot during low tideThere is also the temple where Hindu residents there performing the ceremony MekiyisThe tourist area is managed by Perum Perhutani Unit II of East JavaKPH South Banyuwangi.

 Red Island name refers to a small hill at the edge of the beach that has a height of about 200 meters . The hill has a red ground and covered by green vegetation so as not to seem original color .This hill can be accessed at low tide .beach tourismThe tourists renting umbrellas along the coast of the Red IslandRed Island white sandy beach stretches three kilometers so it is also suitable for families . However , the waves are high enough Red Island is not very suitable for use with swimming , especially for small children .surfingWaves in the Red Island is quite challenging and became one of the ideal places for surfing enthusiasts . The waves at this beach is quite high ranging from 3-5 meters and is suitable for lovers of surfing sports ( surfing ) . According to local residents , tourists from France , Germany , and Australia often visit this place .INSA President or the Association of Surfing Indonesia , Jro Made Supatra Karang , said that the scenery and waves in the tourist area of ​​Red Island is one of the best in Indonesia .

"I 've traveled the world and seen many beaches in the country , but have never seen a beach as beautiful as the Red Island . First time visiting here , I was instantly amazed . "
" In addition to great waves for surfing , the presence of a cluster of islands also adds to its beauty . Going forward , the Red Island could become a mainstay of Banyuwangi destination . "According Jro Made , Beach advantages compared Plengkung Red Island , among others, the waves can be a destination novice surfers , amateurs , and professionals with an average of the level of two meters . Unlike the beach Plengkung or G - Land that can only be enjoyed by professional surfers . In addition , Red Pulo also more accessible with smooth roads and close to population centers . Basic beach that does not have many corals also safer for surfers . Compared to Kuta Beach waves , the waves of the Red Pulo more serious that allow the surfer to maneuver in it .International surfing competitionOn May 24 to May 26, 2013 surfing contest held in Red Island , which Banyuwangi International Surf Competition 2013, which was followed by 15 countries . [ 1Lomba surfing consists of 3 categories, namely international , national category , and local categories .Indonesian Surfing Association ( INSA ) assess international surfing competitions held by the Government of the District of Banyuwangi , East Java , in the Red Island Beach , will further popularize the attraction to people of the world .International surfing competition at Red Island Beach opened Affairs Roy , attended by 25 participants from 20 countries and more than 100 local surfers from various regions in Indonesia .Banyuwangi Regent , Anwar Abdullah Anas , said the international surfing competition is one of the major agenda designed to combine sports activities region by tourism. Selection of Red Island Beach as a new destination for the tourist destination in Banyuwangi , due to the potential waves and pristine natural support and very nice . During this time , the international professional surfers have known through the beauty of the waves in Banyuwangi Plengkung Beach or better known as " G - Land " .

" Last year we have started to roll out an international bicycle race " Tour de Ijen " to introduce the tourist area of ​​the crater . For this year , we are focused to promote beach tourism by holding international surfing competitions . "

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