Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008
photograpy by nick
A full-fleged village has to have at least three temples:

# Pura puseh, where the founders of te village are worshipped, always lies in the kaja sphere, thowards the mountains, so it lies on the highest spot in the village.
# Pura Desa, the village temple, is built in the center of the village, where lord wisnu, the maintainer, is whorshipped.
# Pura Dalem is considered as the temple for dead. lord Siwa, the destroyer, is worshipped here.
Althought the instuments used are much same, Balinese gamelan is very different from the form you'll hear in java. Balinese gamelan often sounds like everyone going for it full pelt. The simmering energy produced through rhythmic accents and abrupt shifts in dynamics and tempo open the doors to a world of musical possibilities. Sit back and expect to be dazzled.

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